Your grief is sacred.

 One of the hardest things with grief is feeling we can’t share it for fear of upsetting others, or for fear of people not being able to cope with the depths of our sadness, our guilt, our shame, our darkness.

Yet our experience of our grief is such a big part of us that, unable to fully share how we feel, we end up feeling alone in our experience. The grief can get bottled up and feel ‘stuck’, like we’re half alive, half living. Life can feel like it’s stopped ‘making sense’ and has lost it’s meaning.

Fully felt, fully seen, fully understood, our deepest losses can teach and show us so much, but that requires time and space and a place where we don’t have to worry about our feelings being ‘too much’ for others, or that we should have ‘moved on’, or be ‘coping better’ by now.

I work with people spiritually opened by grief, who long to explore this intimate sacred opening - how they might interpret it; write that opening into their soul-story, and find a way to live from it - the deep darkness of it, as well as the light.

Together we create a bespoke space to explore in the way which feels meaningful and rightful to you. You will be met with love, compassion and kindness.

The path will be revealed when we meet.

This work is for you if: 

You feel you might be ready to look at your grief, but you’re not sure where to begin;

You fear that looking at the grief might make the pain worse, but you know the only thing which makes sense is moving fully into the experience of your grief in the way which makes sense to you;

You long for someone who can act as a loving witness while you tread this unchartered path.

Your grief is to be deeply honoured.

Our work together is ‘an original work of art’. I will meet you where you are at, and we will work from there. Our time together may involve conversation, quiet, practical inquiries, ritual practices and gentle ceremony.


Includes: Six 1:1 Sessions with Kate (75 minutes sessions)

Whatsapp and email support between sessions

Bespoke inquiries to explore, move, release and embody your grief.

If you feel called to join me on this journey, please book a free Exploration Call using the button below.