Are you just beginning to hear the whispers of soul?

As well as coaching women who are already doing their soul-work in the world, I guide women who are just at the beginning of hearing - and heeding - the whisperings of soul.

Those whispers can come in the form of:

  • An undefinable, feeling of dissatisfaction or not quite rightness - like the life you’ve chosen almost, but doesn’t quite, fit;

  • An intangible sense of life being ‘dry’ when it should be ‘juicy’

  • Feeling like you’re trapped in an 'urban lifeway', with a strong urge to be in nature WAY more that you currently are

  • Frustration and short-temperedness with the people you love -  even when they’ve done nothing to deserve it, and you don’t quite know what comes over you

If you are experiencing any of this, I feel you, deeply.

It is impossible to say where your particular soul-whisperings may lead you.

But if you’re one of those women, who experiences those whispers, and feels those feelings, they don’t (in my experience) go away.

They are there to ‘inform’ you and guide you, and there is gold to be found in listening and learning to interpret them.

Opening this 'treasure-chest' of soul-whispers can be daunting. It can be unnerving; you can feel like you're losing your bearings. It can feel risky: to admit there might be something asking to be looked at or changed.

Societally conditioned (and often loud) parts of you will tell you not to bother, you're imagining it, you can try harder to 'fit in',  and make the life you're choosing work.

It's true this kind of honouring of what's in your heart may come with tears, grief, ‘inconvenience’, sometimes anger, and *always* ‘rawness’,  and that can feel a lot to open yourself up to.

My gift is to sit with you in your rawness, to be with you while you explore your heart.

The world needs women like you who are prepared to take the plunge and honour what is true, for you. You don't need to *know* what that is, you can simply enjoy the uplift in your heart and the relief in giving your soul-whispers some space.

Contact me if you'd like to book a no obligation, just love for what's in your heart, Exploration Call.

I deeply honour and acknowledge you taking this first/ next powerful step on your soul-path.

With love,

Kate. x


The power of grief and sorrow