What it takes to open your heart

To openly ask your heart to reveal it's deepest longings (for each area of your life) is something any of us can do at anytime.

But be warned: it is a bigger question than you might realise.

It can reveal the gaping chasm between where you are and where you long to be.

It can come with deep grief for what you’ve longed for and the coping you’ve done in the time spent without it.

It can come with shock, horror - even shame - that *this* is actually, honestly, what you long for?

It can come with tears, with anger, with frustration and confusion and rage.

It can catalyse a Dark Night of the Soul.

It can leave you wondering why you bothered asking the question in the first place.

Does that mean you shouldn’t ask it?

The answer to that is up to you.

It can also be the most beautiful, Sacred Opening into…

A life that begins to feel it *fits* so much better;

A life that feels hopeful to wake up to each morning into;

A life that makes much more ‘sense’;

A life that has the purpose and meaning and direction you always hoped yours would have, but for whatever reason you didn’t know the way.

If it feels like life, this morning, lacks meaning and purpose - reason or rhyme - then it may be time to make ritual out of tea-making, meaning out of cloud-formations, ceremony out of walking into the sea.

If you feel called to journey with me through the Sacred Openings in your life, you can view my offerings here.

With love

Kate x


The power of grief and sorrow